BVS Anticoral

BVS AnticoRal at the 4L Trophy 2022

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BVS AnticoRal at the 4L Trophy 2022

Through their partnership with the crew #0085, “Les Filles à Papa”, BVS Anticoral and Kpax seize the opportunity to embark on a wonderful human adventure to support the humanitarian values, sportsmanship and mutual aid of the 4L Trophy.

The 4L Trophy you say?

A race, a challenge

The 4L Trophy is a race that is not a race. It is above all a challenge for all the European students who take part in this journey. It is not a speed race, but a cool orienteering race… and a compass race. To win, you must cross the finish line. To achieve this, the participants must help each other to overcome the elements, technical and mechanical problems. For it is a great journey that awaits them: 10 days of travel, on a route of nearly 6000 kilometers starting in France, passing through Spain and ending in Marrakech in Morocco. The 4L Trophy is quite simply the biggest student rally-raid in Europe.

A humanitarian approach…

But what constitutes the heart of this journey is the humanitarian challenge it embodies. Beyond their curiosity and their quest for adventure, the crews transport in their mythical vehicles equipment and school supplies destined for the most destitute children in Morocco. In partnership with the association “Enfants du Désert”, the 4L Trophy finds its impetus in helping children. The bags of supplies and clothing are handed over to the local population at a ceremony at the end of the race. In addition to this action, the donations received by the “Enfants du Désert” association enable it to build schools and equip villages with wells and solar panels.


… And committed to the environment

The “Trophists” represent a generation lulled by ecological concerns. Aware of the impact of the rally, they are multiplying their gestures and actions to limit their footprint in the desert. With the “Clean Desert” operation, the crews must leave no trace of their passage. A truck follows the caravan throughout the raid to collect waste. Biodegradable “oxo” bags are distributed to participants every morning and collected in the evening.

Why this partnership?

BVS AnticoRal and K-PAX have always identified themselves with these values. In the world, 5 tons of steel per second are destroyed by corrosion, 4 billions of waste will be produced by 2050 and the exhaustion of iron ore is feared for 2072. By protecting structures and recycling them, they actively participate in the preservation of resources and act to prevent the planet from becoming a huge dumping ground.

It is therefore quite natural that BVS AnticoRal and K-PAX wanted to become actors of the 4L Trophy project. Let’s wish Vanille Lucie & Pascal the best of human adventures until the dunes of the Sahara, full of discoveries, solidarity and beautiful meetings.


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